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Update Your Core Node


1 - Close both Core Node & Attach

2 - Download the latest update for Windows and execute the setup

Download Energi Core Node for Windows

3 - Restart Core Node & Attach


You should see v1.1.8-stable in the Attach window if the update went successful!


1 - Close your Core Node terminal

2 - Download the latest update for MacOS

Download Energi Core Node for MacOS

3 - Simply follow the (1- Installation) part of the MacOS tutorial below

4 - Open a new Terminal in the Go menu then Utilities


5 - Run this command to verify your Core Node version :

$HOME/energi3/bin/energi3 version

You should see v1.1.8-stable in the result if the update went successful!

6 - Restart your Core Node with the command:

$HOME/energi3/bin/energi3 console

Linux (VPS)

1 - Connect to your VPS as theroot user. You can switch to root from nrgstaker by running the following command:

sudo su -

2 - Run this command:

bash -ic "$(wget -4qO- -o-"; source ~/.bashrc

3 - Once the Energi menu appears, press A and then ENTER to select the Upgrade option;

4 - You may be prompted for 2FA setup. If you did not installed it during the initial installation, you can either install at this time or press N and then ENTER to bypass it.

5 - Once the setup is done, login as nrgstaker user:

login nrgstaker

6 - Then, enter your Core Node console:

energi3 attach

You should see v1.1.8-stable at the top if the update went successful!


Remember that you will have to unlock your account for staking, as the node restarted to do the update.

Alternatively, you can check the Core Node version without accessing the console by running:

energi3 version

The output should be similar as below:

Version: 1.1.7-stable
Architecture: amd64
Protocol Versions: [70]
Network Id: 39797
Go Version: go1.17.9
Operating System: linux

7 - (For Masternode owners)

After updating, wait a few moments (around ~5 minutes) for your masternode heartbeat to register the new version. Then, please check the status of your Masternode with this command:


You should see :

isActive: True
swVersion: 1.1.7

If you don't :

7.1 - Restart your Core Node, as root user :

systemctl stop energi3
systemctl start energi3

7.2 - Try to Re-Announce your Masternode with Nexus :